Calendar of Events - EWMD International
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Das Team von Braveaurora mit den Gästen von EWMD-LinzSarah Deckenbacher und Julia Obereder sind die Gründerinnen des Vereins BRAVEAURORA, der heuer sein 15-Jahr-Jubiläum feiert.
Dieses Jubiläum war Anlass für eine Spender*innen-Reise im Februar 2024, bei der auch 2 EWMD-Linz-Mitglieder mit dabei waren.
Gemeinsam werden sie über berührende und augenöffnende Momente berichten - und die Brücke zu uns nach Österreich schlagen.

Vortragende: Sarah Deckenbacher, Julia Obereder, Theresa Wimberger und Silke Goos

Wer mehr zum NGO BRAVEAURORA erfahren möchte, klickt hier:
Den aktuellen LT-1 Bericht über die Reise gibt es auf Youtube:
Ort: Das Landhof, Pummererstraße 4a, 4020 Linz
Uhrzeit: Get-together ab 18:00 Uhr, der Clubabend startet um 18:30 Uhr


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8/5/20246:00pm to 10:00pmEva Weiler

"Beyond expectations - the art of mastering life & business"
with Bianca-Maria Klein

Speaker: Bianca-Maria Klein

Topic: Expectations-Management. How to successfully manage your expectations with a simple method ... not only in business! Looking at expectations from different perspectives helps to expand your scope of action. How managing your expectations supports you in communicating with yourself, colleagues and customers.


  • Life is full of interpersonal expectations, in private life or business. In companies, this becomes especially clear when necessary change processes do not lead to the desired result or even fail.
  • With active expectation management, claims, expectations and goals of the different communication levels are clarified, and thus successful leadership for yourself and your teams is made possible.
  • In addition to her own experiences, Bianca-Maria shares examples and explores the following questions: What are expectations actually? Why are they often so difficult to fulfill? Why can expectations lead to conflicts? How can I deal more calmly and self-determined with expectations towards myself and my peers - privately or at work?

Duration: approx. 60 minutes

Speaker-Info: Bianca-Maria Klein looks back on a 20+ years international career with various medical device corporations where she was a leader in sales, marketing and research. For her career she lived in different countries and cities before moving back to Northern Germany and she speaks 5 languages fluently. In addition, she followed a coaching education and change management training. Bianca-Maria is also a certified keynote speaker. Her daily goal, as a speaker and coach is to support companies with challenges in transformation processes, through keynote speeches, coaching or team workshops. Her focus is to teach and implement her view on managing expectations, as a success-factor for any communication, always necessary in places where people work and live together


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21/5/20246:00pm to 7:00pmEWMD International

Cool Shots: Wie frau sich darstellt

Du weißt nie so genau, wie du dich auf Gruppenfotos hinstellen sollst? Du findest diese ewig gleichen Gruppenshots unglaublich langweilig? Du möchtest wissen, wie kraftvolle Posen aussehen und wie sie sich anfühlen? Dann bist du genau richtig beim Workshop mit Evelyn Lynam. 

 Gemeinsam gehen wir dynamisch-kraftvollen Posen auf den Grund, bevor wir uns vor die Linse begeben und auch das Anleiten hinter der Linse üben.


Über die Workshop-Leiterin:

Evelyn wurde in Chile geboren und ist in Südpatagonien aufgewachsen. Sie studierte Anthropologie und Fotografie und spezialisierte sich auf Portraitfotografie und Corporate Fotografie. Die Essenz und Authentizität einer Person darzustellen und in einer Geste oder einem Blick festzuhalten, treibt die Neugier von Evelyn an.
Seit 2012 lebt sie in Wien / Österreich und arbeitet aktiv in der fotografischen Porträtmalerei und analogen Laborarbeit. Seit 2020 ist sie offizielles Komiteemitglied der Wiener Staatsgilde für Berufsfotografen, in der die Rechte und Pflichten der Fotografen vertreten sind. Mehr:

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28/5/20245:30pm to 9:00pmJennifer Gollubits

Learning Journey Northern Germany 2024
Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 7
Northern Germany

You can come to Germany as a tourist – or…. you can join our Learning Journey and get insights from “behind the scenes” which you cannot organize yourself or book with a travel agent. There are still a few places left to join this year’s EWMD signature event, so hurry up and register for this unique occasion.
EWMD International is excited to invite you to next year´s Learning Journey to Northern Germany with the aim to get an insight into the current gender diversity approaches of companies and public institutions in Germany and their ways of dealing with the current burning topics like sustainability or circular economy in one of Europe’s largest economies. What is different and what is similar to your own environment? Come on over and find out.

We will visit Companies and venues both in Hamburg and Luebeck – which is a UNESCO world heritage city. You will have the direct comparison of a bustling large harbour city and a cozier mid-size city, while both have a lot of history in common.
Our program will be dense starting from Monday in the morning until early afternoon on Friday, so you should plan your travel with arrival already on Sunday and departure not before Friday evening, both in Hamburg.  Inter alia we will cover:
  • Industry: Montblanc, Dräger, HHLA
  • Trade and Commerce: Chamber of Commerce
  • Cultural Segment: Hansemuseum, Elphi – behind the scenes, Art walk
  • Design: Studio Oeding
  • Print/Media: Strive Magazine
  • And loads of fun and networking

In order to be sustainable and environmental conscious, we will use public transport throughout the journey.

The price for the learning journey is 700 € and is exclusive of accommodation. The price does, however, include Lunch and Dinner during the program, entrance fees and travel cost to Lübeck.

Best regards and seeing you in Hamburg!

The LJ Germany 24 Orga team: Anja Ahlers, Beatrix Arlitt, Barbara Degen, Nicole Meißner
Registration for the Learning Journey is open to all members from EWMD.
As places are scarce, please register now. The registration fee is not refundable, but can be transferred to another participant, should you need to cancel your participation. Please remit payment to
EWMD Deutschland e.V.
Chapter Nord
GLS Bank
DE85 4306 0967 1298 2371 03

The organizer will take pictures and sound recordings during the event, which will be used for documentation and advertising purposes. By participating in the event, attendees give their basic consent to the making of these recordings. 


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Monday to FridayLearning Journey 2024 Orga Team

EWMD-Linz-Mitglieder sprechen über Themen, die sie aktuell bewegen. 

Ort: Das Landhof, Pummererstraße 4a, 4020 Linz
Uhrzeit: Wir treffen uns zum Get-together ab 18:00 Uhr, um 18:30 beginnt der Clubabend.


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5/6/20246:00pm to 10:00pmEva Weiler

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EWMD Mentoring 2024

Join the EWMD Mentoring Program Waiting List

Mentoring has been proven to have a significant impact on peoples’ careers. Personal growth and learning is a key skill in today’s business world and the exchange of knowledge is crucial to achieve that goal. Mentoring accelerates self-development, career progression, and overall self-confidence. The EWMD collects a lot of experienced and senior women who are willingly sharing their knowledge over webinars and the personal exchange already. Bringing these two subjects – the personal learning journey and the existing knowledge in our network – together in a systematic approach seems like the next logical step. 

Are you eager to participate in an empowering mentoring program? Your opportunity to get involved is just around the corner!


Why Join the Waiting List?

By joining our waiting list, you'll be among the first to receive updates, key information, and application details for the EWMD Mentoring Program launching next year. Stay informed about important dates, program features, and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for gender equality in leadership. In spring 2024, we will be organizing informational online meetings to present the program and address any questions you may have, therefore join the waitinglist and stay tuned!

How to Join

To ensure you don't miss out on any announcements, simply follow the instructions to register. We will keep you informed every step of the way as we prepare for this exciting initiative.

Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Be part of this transformative journey with EWMD. Register now to be on our waiting list and take the first step toward an enriched future in management and leadership!


We look forward to embarking on this empowering journey with you!

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Coming Soon...EWMD International

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